četrtek, 3. december 2009

Voda na Zemlji Bananarama Water on the Earth Help

VSA SONCA v vseh Galaksijah po svojem nastanku izbruhajo PRAH , ki je mešanica vseh kemičnih elementov , ki se tvorijo v Soncu.Zdaj pa je odvisno od sreče = Božja volja, katere kemijske elemente je neko Sonce izbruhalo. Recimo, kisik je redek element, ki bi ga neko Sonce izvrglo. Poleg tega, sila tega izbruha mora biti ravno pravšnja, da se masa elementov ustali v tirnici v bližini Sonca.
Vse Zvezde oziroma vsa Sonca v našem Vesolju imajo planete: mislim, da ni izjeme.
Da neka Zvezda izbruha  skoraj vse možne kemijske elemente  v pravi tir za nastanek življenja je malo možno. Zato verjamem v Boga.
Mešanica kemijskih elementov, ki je krožila okoli Sonca, se je počasi začela zgoščevati v kroglo,
Luna je odtrgan kos Zemlje.
Zemlja pa je bila od vsega začetka ognjeni pekel. V sredici Zemlje so se zgoščevali Uran, Železo, Zlato, Platina, Paladij, Wolfram, okoli Svinec, Krom, itd., nato spojine s kisikom, nato vse druge kovine in nekovine, spojine vseh teh s kisikom, vodikom, ogljikom, nato Silicijeve , Aluminijeve itd.
Okoli Zemlje je besnel orkan ognja: Kisik se je spajal z Vodikom, nastala voda je ponovno razpadla itd. .   Zakaj je nujen  Dušik?
 Brez Dušika bi bil vsak ogenjček  ogenj in  dihanje bi bilo preveč učinkovito!
Ko se je preko milijone let Zemlja hladila, so nastajali oceani nato pa  zaradi ognjeniških izbruhov strahoviti potresi in strašne  poplave .
Se pravi, dokler ne ugotovijo astronomi na planetih Zvezd v našem Vesolju vode ali Kisika, vemo, da tam življenja ni.
Mislim, da je edino življenje v našem Vesolju na Zemlji!
Vesolij je pa lahko neskončno. V to  težko verjamem, ker bi to pomenilo da živi  Bog 6.dimenziji!
Kometi v našem osončju so voda, odtrgana z Zemlje!

 ALL SUNS in all galaxies, after their creation, sprout DUST, which is a mixture of all the chemical elements that are formed in the Sun.
Now it depends on happiness = the will of God, whose chemical elements a Sun has erupted. For example, oxygen is a rare element that some Sun would take. In addition, the force of this outburst must be justified in order to keep the mass of the elements in the rail near the Sun.
All the stars or all the Sun in our universe have planets: I do not think there is any exception.
To let the Star outburst almost all possible chemical elements in the right track for the emergence of life is a little possible. That's why I believe in God.
A mixture of chemical elements that circulated around the Sun slowly began to thicken into a sphere,
Moon is a torn piece of Earth.
The earth has been fiery hell from the very beginning. In the middle of the Earth, Uranus, Iron, Gold, Platinum, Palladium, Wolfram, around the Lead, Chromium, etc. were then concentrated, then compounds with oxygen, then all other metals and non-metals, compounds of all these with oxygen, hydrogen, , Aluminum etc.
Around the Earth was raging a hurricane of fire: The oxygen was bound with Hydrogen, the resulting water was disintegrated, etc. . Why is Nitrogen necessary?
Without a Nitrogen, every smallfire is grandfire and breathing would be too effective!
When millions of years ago the earth cooled, oceans were formed, and then, after the fire eruptions, terrible earthquakes and terrible floods.
That is, until astronomers find out on the stars of the stars in our Space of the Water or the Oxigen, we know that there is no life there.
I think that the only life in our Universe is on Earth!
The universe can be infinite. I can hardly believe this because it would mean that God lives on the 6th dimension!
Comets in our solar system are waters torn from Earth!

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